Leo XIII: teaching documents online


This page lists online sources (where available) for those works of Leo XIII cited by Anthony Esolen in his book, Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching. It is intended primarily as an aid for those following the Albertus online course, running from 24 August to 21 September 2015. (Details here.)

Main online sources of teaching documents:

Vatican website: here. (Vat.)

Internet archive: The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII (ebook downloadable): here. (GEL)

Individual documents referred to by Anthony Esolen (in order of reference from 'Works Cited' section of Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching): 

1) From Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII (ebook available online here):

Aeterni Patris (Vat. Eng. version here)

Arcanum divinae (Vat. Eng. version here)

Au milieu des consolations [No online copy discovered. But available in ebook: see above.]

Au milieu des solicitudes [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Exeunte iam anno

Graves de communi

Humanum genus [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Immortale Dei [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Inscrutabili [Vat. Eng. version here.] 

Libertas praestantissimum [Vat. Eng. version here.] 

Longinquae oceani [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Mirae caritatis [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Pervenuti all'anno [Italian version here. No Vat. Eng. version seems to be available.]

Praeclara grationis publicae [Eng. version here from Papal Encyclicals online.]

Providentissimus Deus [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Quod Apostolici muneris [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Rerum Novarum [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Sapientiae Christianae [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Satis cognitum [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Tametsi [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Testem benevolentiae [Eng. version here from Papal Encyclicals online.]

2) From The Church Speaks to the Modern World (book not available online):

Diuturnum [Vat. Eng. version here.]

In Plurimis [Vat. Eng. version here.]

3) From Social Wellsprings: Fourteen Epochal Documents by Pope Leo XIII (book not available online):

Laetitiae sanctae [Vat. Eng. version here.]

4) From La Doctrine Sociale de l'Eglise (book not available online):

Affari vos (Vat. Eng. version here.)

Cum multa sint (Vat. Eng. version here.)

Il divisamento di sancire [Vat. Eng. version here.] 

Il ya Deux Ans [Vat. Eng. version here.]

La Vostra lettera [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Les Evenements [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Militantis Ecclesiae [Vat. Eng. version here.]

Officio sanctissimo [Vat. Eng. version here.]

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